If you are searching for a LNC (Legal Nurse Consultancy) in New Mexico, give us a call!
– The first consultation is always *FREE! –

Organize and analyzing medical records to determine relevance to the case. Identifying missing records or inconsistencies in the documentation . Summarizing the key medical facts, such as injuries, treatments, and outcomes

Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of medical malpractice, personal injury, and worker’s compensation cases. Determining whether the healthcare provider met the standard of care or contributed to the injury.

Conducting research on medical issues, conditions, procedures and treatments relevant to the case. Providing up to date literature, medical guidelines and protocols to support the case.

From Expert Witness Location & Coordination to Report Preparation we are your number one choice for Legal Nurse Consultancy services in the state of New Mexico. Contact us today for more information and request a FREE* consultation.

Screening potential experts and coordinating expert witness services.

Preparing expert witnesses for testimony and assisting with deposition.

Creating detailed timelines that outline the sequence of medical events.

Mapping out when and how injuries ocurred and what treatments were administered.

Analyzing the care provided to determine whether it met accepted medical standards.

Identifying deviations from the standard of care and their impact on the patient’s outcome.

Preparing concise, objective reports that explain medical finding in a way that judges and juries can easily understand.

Drafting medical summaries, case reports, and affidavits for use in legal proceedings.

Formulating questions for deposition trial related to medical care, procedures, and expert testimony.

Educating attorneys about medical issues to improve their ability to across examine witnesses.

Assisting with the creation of visual aids, exhibits, and demonstrative evidence, such as medical illustrations or anatomical diagrams for use in court.

Evaluating the medical needs and future care requirements to plaintiff with long term injury or disabilities.

Assisting with life care plans and calculating the costs of ongoing medical care.

Assisting in cases involving exposure to toxic substances, defective medical products or harmful drugs by analyzing the medical impact of such exposure and related injuries.

Interview plaintiffs, defendants or witnesses to gather medical history and identify relevant medical issues.

Offering risk management services for healthcare organizations, including assessing compliance with healthcare regulations and recommending strategies to prevent future claims.